Screw the emo post that was below. friggin emo, i know! lol. well anyway all I need to say is that Maybank customer service
sucks! Dont believe me? You should just walk into one of does Maybanks and try for yourself. Firstly, they are a very messed up group cause they are not sure the purpose of each counter. E.g one is for depositing money, another for getting a new account, another for renewing account and etc. Before getting to the counter, there is the customer service desk in front right? So first thing to do is ask for help from the customer service, well that chinese fella seems like a gentleman and all but after i asked where i could get a new acc., he's not what i expected. He wasnt really friendly, he was arrogent( common' for crying out loud! your just working in the customer service department). Mmhmm.. he thought he was a know it all. Had to fill in a form in order to get a new acc. The bloody form took me almost half and hour to fill in the details, so many questions, some of the details i dont even know why they need them. Anyway, i finally done filling those in! yes. After that I'm suppose to go
wait at counter 2. Mind you, I said wait yeah. Mmm.. so i went to wait at Counter 2, waited till at least half an hour coz the lady at the counter was taking damn long like she's flirting with the customer or something.omg.. So, being the impatient girl I am, I went to the counter and asked where do i wait? coz she entertained the person who came later then me and she just said ' Duduk sebentar ya.. nanti saya akan panggil'. Oh okay. yes i patiently waited again. Again! she entertained the next customer. Mmm.. yes she really pisses me off. Well then my mum found me in Maybank and asked why so long? I just said their service sucks and told her the story. She started doing the boss thing. haha. like boss of the company taking care of the
problem. I admit I was also very restless already by that time so i asked the lady in counter1 since she's free. Mhmm.. she told me that i'll have to wait at counter 2. oh okay. she doesnt seem certain so i asked back the guy at the customer service, I said 'I've waited more then 45 mins already and howcome the customers who came after me had being served first?'. He replied 'Oh. Did you give your form to counter1?' -my thoughts-
WTF! you told me to wait but you did
NOT tell me to give them my form. I just so want to kill him at that time. -just that killing him drama going through my mind, stab him- urgh! wasted my frigging time. Ok so i passed the form to him and he put it together with the other customers form and mind you, he didnt even put mine smack on top of everyone else's form but rather put it at the bottom. Then he told me its first come first serve. -screw him-. The lady behind counter 2 is now flirting with her customer no.3, besides that, she's also very slow. She should be fired. I just need to say this one thing, its bugging me alot, so here goes-> Some people does not know when they need to do a quick job when they are needed too but rather move at a speed slower then the speed of a turtle. I think thurtles can move faster then them. They move so slow it pisses me off and i feel like I just want to complete the work for them. <- there, I said it, I feel relieved now. feels good, whoo!. Okay so back to what i was saying earlier on, the bank closes at 4.30 and i have not even get my account and its already 4.20. Sheesh, this people ticking me off. Finally I got entertained by some other employees but it aint the flirt cause I think she was honestly scared to entertain me and mum. More afraid of mum cause mum glared at her for taking her sweet time and not knowing how to explain when mum asked her when is our turn.LOL. My mum was just having a frenzy scolding those people at counter1, counter2 and even the 2 employees who entertained us. She was like ' What kind of service are you people offering? Not even clear on what your suppose to do. Dont how to explain to me whats going on. and so on...' yes at that time I was in the mood of scolding then 'kau kau' but then the longer I hear my mum scold them, I just made me laugh.LOL. Yes the tension, the stressness, all gone! Poor employees, I pity them coz got scolded by mum for helping out but i really
dont pity them cause they deserved it. -i know, i'm eveul. sue me =P- Account created! finally! My statement for this post..
Maybank service sux big time!(and this, I call freedom of speech)I'm never stepping into Maybank again! unless i have some really important matter to deal with. (which i dont think there will be anytime soon) Money I can always get it from the ATM. I love ATMs, dont you? it saves a hell lot of time. I'm still wondering how can Maybank be Malaysia's main bank? Oh right, yeah the slogan 'Malaysia Boleh'. Its so true
The picture will be the flirt aka the bitch who should have been fired long ago.